Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Four Games

The Cowboys are four games into their 2009 schedule. Their record is 2 and 2. They have lost twice to teams with a combined record of 8-0. The wins were by double digits. What does the record say about the Cowboys? I believe that the jury is still out on Dallas and the rest of the NFC East, with the possible exception of the Washington Redskins.

Philadelphia has lost to New Orleans. The loss could be blamed on Donovan McNabb not playing unless you factor in the lopsided score. The Saints moved up and down the field at will. The Eagles defense didn't have a clue how to contain, let alone stop them. In their other games the Birds have pretty much done what needed to be done.

The Giants look for all the head of the class. They are 4-0 and leading the division. Still they have struggled to defeat the Cowboys and Redskins. There may be trouble looming with the injury to Eli Manning. He is suffering from plantar fasciitis a very painful injury of the tissue on the bottom of the foot. Cowboy fans remember this as the injury that ended Terry Glenn's career. Sunday he strained ligaments in the foot while compensating for the pf..

The Washington Redskins appear to be a mess. The struggled to beat the Rams and lost to Detroit. They seem to have no offense and a quarter back they have no confidence in. Like the Eagles and the Cowboys, they have no quality wins. The defense is solid and that keeps the Skins in most games. Losses like those to the Lions always seem to come back to haunt. Ask the Cowboys, the loss last season to the Rams cost the Cowboys the playoffs.

Four games into the season and counting there seems to be no pattern. All four teams have played the bottom of the heap except for the Cowboys and Eagles. Outside the division the Giants and Redskins have played bottom feeding teams. All have QB problems. The Giants and Eagles have injured QB'S. The Cowboys and Redskins have ineffective QB'S. Coming weeks bring better opponents and more head to head play. The next four will be interesting.

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