Friday, February 19, 2010

My Thoughts On Tiger

I just watched Tiger's speech. I was prepared to be underwhelmed. Boy was I wrong. You could feel the pain in every part of his speech and body language. He looked totally defeated. Good, he should be. I thought the most telling part of the speech was the part where he said.."I felt entitled"
He is not the first powerful person to think there are laws and rules for us commoners and then others for himself. He will also not be the last.

I know some will feel it was contrived and not sincere. Time will tell is he is really contrite but for this day he showed his human side for maybe the first time. His wife was so right when she talked of actions will tell the story, not words.

I also think his pledge to be a better person on the golf course is absolutely part of his rehabilitation. He will be not be given a pass as he has been given in the past. Times are changed, maybe forever, for Tiger and that is a good thing. A dose of humility never hurt anyone and he has I feel been humbled.

His detractors wanted more. People who disliked Tiger in the past got nothing from this apology. His fans, which I am one, are looking for this great athlete to get his life in order. I just want to see this man play golf again. The sooner the better. I hope he finds healing and becomes the greatest father and husband along with being the greatest athlete on the planet.

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