Monday, May 30, 2011

Could It Happen Again?

Let's get this out there. I think the 2006 NBA Finals between Dallas and Miami was rigged. I think the NBA wanted the Heat to win and basically told the officials to call the game in a way that Miami couldn't lose.

Let me set this up. The series was going badly. Dallas was up 2-0 after winning the first two games on their home court. They were headed to Miami for games 3-5 and the league wanted anyone but Dallas and especially Mark Cuban to win the series.

I know what you are thinking, the ratings of a Mavericks fan who just can't let it go. Well I am joined in my paranoia. Some examples of others believing the same thing..

This from Phil Jackson? Hardly a Mavericks fan.

"That Miami Finals really was a tough one to swallow," Jackson said before the Lakers won 96-91 on Saturday night in Dallas. "I think Wade averaged about 25 foul shots a game. You couldn't even touch him. That was really tough to swallow and I think he understood there's kind of a pecking order in this league and you keep your mouth shut at times.

and from Tracy McGrady..

Interviewer: Was it a little ridiculous how Dwayne Wade got all the calls? TMac: Yeah, yeah it really was. I'll tell you man, it seems if you were watching that game, seemed like it was rigged. Seriously. I know the NBA.... (cut off by interviewer) Interviewer: You just got fined (sarcastically) TMac: I don't care. So what? But yeah it seemed like it was rigged. With all the calls he was getting. Jesus. Did you hear me? We are talking about the NBA Finals, I wish I could say I was just kidding, and that's what it seemed like.

This is all without mentioning Tim Donaghy (Ex-NBA Ref) saying that the NBA often rigs series just for ratings and that the 2006 Finals were one of those series.

Need more proof?

First off with the phantom fouls on Dwayne Wade. 
Phantom Foul 1:
Phantom Foul 2:
Phantom Foul 3:
Phantom Foul 4:
Phantom Foul 5:

Some items:

Game Five: Miami wins in OT. Dwyane Wade shot as many free throws as all the Mavericks combined! He set an NBA Finals record for most made free-throws in a game with 21. After a controversial play in which many fans thought Wade committed a back court violation, Wade hit the game-winning free throws with 1.9 seconds left.

More: From website "Rigged NBA Games"

Mark Cuban Fined $250K Because of Outburst After Game 5 of NBA Finals

According to an AP report he said to Stern and other NBA officials, who were seated at the scorers table and was overheard to shout venomously in the jubilant din, '[Bleep] you! [Bleep] you! Your league is rigged!'

David Stern decided that game 5 would be his chance to pay back all his sponsors. Dwayne Wade who was a spokes person for Converse, Gatorade, T-mobile cell phones, Lincoln cars & whose Jersey is in the top 3 in sales was the benefactor . In total Wade went to the foul line 25 xs, There were 5 separate fouls on Wade in which he was never touched. The Internet bloggers refer to them as the Phantom Fouls. Miami as a team went to the line 49 xs to Dallas 25 xs. Dallas finished with 6 more field goals 11 more rebounds & lost the game by one. Both of Dallas low post defenders were in foul trouble Diop fouled out Dampier finished with 5 fouls.

Was the 2006 NBA finals rigged? Yes 57%  No 43% Total votes : Poll from Real GM

I know a lot of people think Maverick fans are beating a dead horse but the real question, to me, is not that it happened but can it happen again? This guy may have something to say about it.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff, I just hope it doesn't happen again, but it did happen once.

bevo said...

Thanks for taking a second to comment and I too hope Stern is too busy to care..

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