Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cowboy Should Model The Packers

We all watched as the Packers won the Super Bowl. The Cowboys look a whole team behind the Pack and it seems all is a mess. Well you would be half right. You can make a case that Dallas is equal to and a little better on offense than Green Bay . More about that later.

Green Bay has a dilemma on their hands. Two playoffs ago in Arizona their QB Aaron Rogers had a better day than he did in this SB. In Arizona he threw for over 400 yards, had 5 td's and a QB rating of 121. This bettered his 300 yards,3 TD and 111 QB rating of 111 against the Steelers.

The difference was when the team that faced the Cardinals had to be perfect on offense. Good or great were not enough, perfect might have won the game. In 2009 the Packers scored 461 points and allowed 297. In 2010 they actually scored less points 388 but allowed less with 240. That 240 points allowed led the NFL. The Packers, even with Rogers playing at a high level, didn't require he win every game. In the game before the SB, Rogers threw 2 interceptions and had a 62 QB rating and they still won.

Dallas had a miserable year but even with Romo missing 9 games and their third string QB playing the last two games they still outscored the Packers 436 points to 388. This by having the worst starting field position on offensive drives than all but three teams. This by having a defense that never got a turnover in the Cowboys first 5 losses and they still outscored Green Bay by 4 points a game. Told ya you could make a case for Dallas having a better offensive year than Green Bay.

So many have blamed the offense and forgiven Dallas' defense for under performing under Wade Phillips, when the truth has been the defense has never stepped up. Dallas averaged starting an offensive drive on their 23 yard line. That is because the defense allowed an average of 38 yards on their opponents drives. It seemed every punt was from midfield. In one loss against Minnesota the offense average starting field position was  their own 15. NFL says the chance of scoring from your own 15 is less than 20%. Yet so many blame the offense.

Following the loss in Arizona the Packers turned up the heat on defense. This is where Dallas must look. Fix the defense and fix the Cowboys. Dallas needs to address the corner backs, safeties and get an inside pass rusher. They have options including the ninth pick in a draft heavy with defensive lineman. They must do what they did not do last off season and look to sign some free agents. I also am optimistic with the hiring of Rob Ryan, son of rival Buddy Ryan and brother of Rex Ryan, head coach of the NY Jets.

The other good news is Dallas has a much easier schedule, on paper, than last season. If the defense is fixed or just becomes a little better than average, the offense has the potential to get this team deep into the playoffs. If they completely turn the defense around, they can compete with any team in the league.

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