Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hey Ex Cowboys..Just STFU!

Emmitt..Troy..Michael...and now Dorsett.. I
am so done with their going after a certain QB on this team..It is bad enough when fans or writers go after a current player..but is is downright classless for a retired player  to go after a current player. The problem is why? What is the reason?
Today, Dorsettsaid hee didn't understand why Romo ha beeen anointed. Anonite? He is the starting QB because he is the best option on the team. Sorry Tony, but Roger is old, as is Aikman nd Quiincy is being hunted by Dog the bounty hunter. So who would you like to see play? Brady, both Manning, Big Been, Brees, nd thhe other good QB'S ar alll under contract. So pray tell us mighty TD, who would you start?
I have had it with stupid remarks from ex players. While you are at it TD, why not call out MBIII or Felix Jones? Hey Witten alo suckks, how bout him?. The receivers are worthless and wow that DLine has't haad a sack. Hell no, call out the QB at a bad time in the season. Plus the anointed thing, who has done that. Where are the worshipers in the media? Romo getsmoree bad press than any player I have ever seen. Is your life so meaningless that you need the attention. Hey go rob a bank or go on I am a celebrity, get me outta here..Dancing with the Stars is an option. Just STFU is another.

If I could actually get into my TD jersey, I wouldn't anymore. Along with Emmit I have lost some respect for them. Petty and hurt full are to words that come to mind..Along with unnecessary. They should be ashamed of themselves. Then again both players finished their careers on other teams. Bout right.

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